The completed moku hanga reduction print.

The completed moku hanga reduction print.

The image size is 6.5″ X 8.5″. I managed
to print 8 shades of gray before I ran out of wood.
I like to think that I learned many things
after doing this print technique, such as….

*Plan ahead and don’t rush just because you’re excited about a new method.

*Avoid working on a small scale, too difficult to get detail.

*Printing on damp paper requires a light touch, otherwise the
paper will become embossed with the baren pressure.

*Carve your block much deeper than usual, or the damp paper
will certainly dip into the recessed areas and pick up
unwanted ink.

*Print more copies than you’d expect too, it takes 7-8
prints just to get the ink built up on the block to the desired shade.

So with my one moku hanga print under my belt, I’m ready to
take my new-found knowledge (and respect for the method) to
embark on print #2.



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