
Tiger Lily Press Activities

Monthly or quarterly member email newsletter.

Weekly Open Studio sessions: Friday and Saturday afternoons from 1:00 – 6:00 pm. A studio monitor is present for technical assistance. (Note that due to the pandemic, the studio is open to members only).

Independent Work Space for experienced and emerging printmakers: Members may work in the studio seven days a week, during CRC hours by obtaining the key from the Dunham office, and on weekends with a studio monitor. The staff member will open the schoolhouse building and turn off the alarm and the member receives the key to open the studios. The studios and building are locked and the key is returned to the office when leaving. TLP provides an equipped shop for printmakers for working after graduation outside of academic facilities.

Classes in various print processes taught by Tiger Lily members ($25./hour): relief, etching, screen-print, polyester litho, collagraphs, letterpress, monoprint, bookbinding. Professional Development Units are available to teachers upon completion of required contact hours. Classes are open to the public and are advertised on the Cincinnati Recreation Commission website.

Potluck/artist presentations quarterly: an artist/member is invited to present examples of work and discuss their process. Members bring wonderful food to share. Rick Finn, 2015 WAP Resident spoke about his work on December 10, 2015. Mary Woodworth presented about her summer work in September 2015.

Print Exhibition Opportunities: Member shows annually for members to show their work and to educate the public about Tiger Lily Press and printmaking.

Annual Members Print Sale. This is a member opportunity and fund-raising event. TLP receives 20% of all artist sales. Currently, the sale is held in November at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center.

Fundraising Project: Calendar of artist images produced every two years: 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, 2017 and 2019. Previously the calendar was composed of original woodcuts incorporating numbers. Current 2019 project incorporates various print processes. Artistsโ€™ images will be removable for framing.

An early fundraising project was a printmaking marathon held September 13-14, 1997 from noon on Saturday to 6:00 pm on Sunday, which raised $3000. for the MAPC Pressing Issues Print Conference. A dozen area printmakers worked to raise awareness about printmaking by printing twelve 11 x 15″ prints, which were exhibited in a portfolio at the conference.

WAP Residency:

Working Artist Program begun in 2012 by former director, Theresa Kuhr. The WAP Residency invites an actively working respected artist for six months or a year. A stipend of $300. is provided and the artist works in the studio during the week and is available to members. The WAP resident may present a workshop and will show their work at a potluck gathering during the residency time. They are featured on the website, the blog and Face Book. The artist presents a one-page proposal of intentions for the residency, which serves as a starting point, giving them direction and offers them an opportunity for reflection upon completion. Jan Thomas, 2013 WAP Resident had a show of her residency work at the Covedale Library and at NVision. Jack Arthur Wood, 2014 WAP Resident showed his residency work at Clay Street Press, Jonpaul Smith, WAP 2015, showed his work during the Verge Exhibition. Rick Finn was the 2015-16 WAP Resident, Brad Thiele was 2016-17 resident and Renee Harris is resident for 2017-18.

Printmaking displays at libraries and public locations:

In conjunction with a TLP Members exhibition, Hot Off the Press, display cases were filled with examples of the various printmaking techniques available at Tiger Lily. These included etching, drypoint, aquatint, wood cut, linoleum, polyester plate lithography, collagraphs, and screen-printing.
At the 2015 Annual Print Sale at the Clifton Cultural Arts Center, Susan Naylor set up a display of printmaking techniques, plates and prints.
A printmaking display was set up at the Covedale Public Library.

Community Outreach:

Childrens Programs

1985-98 Children’s Collagraph Class

2012    Printing with pre-schoolers.

2014    Dunham Kids, pre-schoolers working in studio with Susan Naylor and Paula Bauman. In-kind service to CRC as part of our rent.

2015    Taft Museum Campers, Day of Monoprints, July 14, 2015 presented by Theresa Kuhr and Paula Bauman.

2015    Cincinnati Recreation Commission Summer Campers, Print Processes, July-August 2015, Susan Naylor and Jan Thomas. In-kind service to CRC as part of our rent.

2016    CRC Campers at TLP, 10:00 am – noon, June 22 – making plates, June 27 – printing on cloth, June 29 – printing. Susan Naylor and Jan Thomas. In-   kind service to CRC as part of our rent.

2017    CRC Campers at TLP, 10:00 – noon, June 28-30 and July 22. Jan Thomas and Susan Naylor.

2018    CRC Campers, 10:00 – noon, July, taught by Sarah Koch, CRC Employee assisted by Hannah Peacock, TLP member. Fourteen 5-6 year old campers participated.

2018    High School Printmaking Concentration, March 10, 17, 24 from 9:30 – noon, students from Oak Hills High School with teacher Jamie Schorsch, taught by Jonpaul Smith, coordinated by Susan Naylor.

Adult Outreach:

1994    Thom Shaw Woodcut Workshop

1995    Radha Chandrashekaren Xerox Transfer Class

1995    Tony Fitzpatrick, Chicago artist Color Etching Workshop

1999    Holiday Card Class taught by Cara Bardes, Liz Foley and Theresa Kuhr at the Butterfield Recreation Center, December 14.

2002    Printmakers Exchange: Korea and Ohio, Ha Dong Chul and Ha Won; February 9, 10:00 – 12:00 demonstration/lecture on Takbon, potluck lunch with members, funded with Ohio Arts Council grant.

2005    Hosted Graphic Arts Forum April 10 from 2:00 – 4:00 pm

2005    College of Medicine Group at TLP

2007    Dr.Alan Bernard, print collector and author, displayed his collection of Benjamin Miller woodcuts and etchings and discussed Miller’s work. Dr. Bernard is the author of The Prints of Benjamin Miller. April 14, 2007.

2007    Print Challenge: Paper Dolls

2010    The Next Generation: TLP invited junior and senior printmaking majors from area colleges to TLP for a show and tell of their work. May 26, 2010.

2011    Print Challenge: Masks

2011    TLP Open House at the Schoolhouse, newly renovated studios, September 1, from 7:00 – 9:00 pm.

2011    Holiday Card Making, November 11, part of TLP community outreach responsibilities for programming for the Cincinnati Recreation Commission during TLP Print Sale.

2012    Lenscrafters Workshop: Twenty-five people split into three groups of eight. Each carved a linoleum block and printed it at three stations and also looked at artwork.

2012    AIGA Members from Proctor and Gamble to Tiger Lily for a workshop with Joe Bohache, TLP member.

2012    Workshop with Montessori teachers with Jan Thomas, WAP resident.

2012    Collagraph class with Art 4 Artists group presented by Jan Thomas, WAP resident.

2012    Holiday Card Program, November 11 during Dunham Holiday Boutique, part of TLP community outreach responsibilities for programming for the Cincinnati Recreation Commission

2013    Ohio Print Gathering, May 31 – June 1. Artists from the four Ohio Print co-ops as well as from emerging Ohio print studios came together for two days of print-related events in Cincinnati hosted by Tiger Lily Press.

2013    Holiday Card Printing, November 10, 11:00 – 4:00 pm during Holiday Open House, TLP community outreach.

2014    Mezzotint Demonstration by Jeremy Plunkett, July 17.

2014    Cincinnati Art Museum Teacher Education Program, July 24, 2014. Jonpaul Smith demonstrated, Theresa Kuhr spoke on TLP history, Susan     Naylor and Saad Ghosn showed work. Jan Thomas led and Susan Naylor assisted with logistics. 60-75 teachers for two hours. $300. honorarium   from the CAM.

2014    Jonpaul Smith, WAP resident, potluck and artist presentation, December 4, 6:00 – 9:00 pm.

2014    Mini-Monoprint Holiday Card Making Workshop, November 15 from 12:00 – 5:00 pm. with Theresa Kuhr, TLP community outreach.

2015    Open House for Dunham Seniors, TLP community outreach.

2015    Monoprinting Workshop presented by Theresa Kuhr for the Proctor and Gamble Design Department, Summer.

2015    Price Hill Thrill with the Weston Gallery, Flats Gallery and other Price Hill venues. May 17. Three-hour tour from 2:00 – 5:00 pm. TLP open with artists printing, showing work, showcasing what Tiger Lily offers to the community.

2015    Mary Woodworth presented work made during her summer residency at Tiger Lily after a potluck gathering, September.

2015    Rick Finn, 2015 WAP resident presented his residency work after a potluck on December 10.

2016    Mary Mark, artist presentation on her reduction color linoleum printing process, January 23, 1:00 pm. following Annual Members Meeting and potluck. Mary Mark was an early Director of Tiger Lily Press (1981-85)

2016    SWOAEA Workshop, April 23, 2016 led by Susan Naylor and Jan Thomas: Ten teachers, paying a $15. participation fee, met for 2 1/2 hours to learn about monotype printing and the one page folded book concept. Profit for TLP was $150.00. Teachers left with their prints in book form and a lesson plan to go with it and opportunity to exchange ideas with one another.

2016    Potluck and Artist Presentation with Susan Goldman, owner of Lily Press, Rockville, Maryland. Goldman spoke about her prints, her work printing for other artists and the development of Midwest Matrix, a film about contemporary printmakers, May 12, 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Fifteen in attendance.

2016    Offsite venue for OAEA State Convention, November 4, 2016: TLP is an offsite venue for a presentation. Jonpaul Smith will demonstrate and show his prints, Theresa Kuhr will present the history of TLP. Teachers will be bussed from the Conference to our studios.

2017    Evening with WAP Resident, Jack Arthur Wood, January 20, 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Wood spoke about his techniques and color printing. Coordinated by Susan Naylor with 26 in attendance.

2017    Nicci Mechler and Carole Winters, artist presentations, January 28, 1:00 – 3:00, Annual Members Meeting, 20 attended.

2017    WAP Potluck with Brad Thiele, April 20, 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Brad will talk about his work thus far in the residency and the upcoming TransAmerica bike trip. He will be leaving the first week of May.

2017    Printmakers from Oaxaca, October 5, 6:00 – 8:00 pm, 16 attended. As part of an exhibition, “Voices from Oaxaca” curated by Saad Ghosn at Kennedy Heights Arts Center. Ivan Bautista travelled as a visiting artist to share his work with TLP members and guests. The event was funded in part by a contribution of $300. from TLP. Susan Naylor and Louann Elliott and Saad Ghosn coordinated the event.

2017    Gallery talk on Albrecht Durer by Kristin Spangenberg, Cincinnati Art Museum, December 7, 6:30 – 7:30 pm. TLP members toured the Durer exhibition as Kristin Spangenberg described the techniques and life of Albrecht Durer. Coordinated by Jonpaul Smith with 22 in attendance.

2017    Potluck with WAP Resident, Brad Thiele, December 12, from 6:00 – 8:00 pm. Brad Thiele relayed information pertaining to his bike journey trans-America to TLP membership as part of his WAP project. Tory Keith and Susan Naylor coordinated with 13 in attendance.

2018    Pizza Party and Art Drop Off, March 29, 6:00 – 8:30 pm. Social gathering, meet and greet for members dropping off work for member exhibition. Susan Naylor coordinated with 19 in attendance.

2018    Renee Harris, WAP Resident presented on her work. June 21, 6:00 – 9:00 pm. Potluck to meet new WAP Resident. Susan Naylor and Tory Keith coordinated with 19 in attendance.

2018    Master of Arts in Art Education students from the Art Academy of   Cincinnati toured the TLP facilities with Jan Thomas and Susan Naylor         who presented the history of TLP, 5 attended.

Member Workshops:

2005    Litho-Sketch Demo Workshop, May 21, 10:00 – 12:00.

2007    Denise Bookwalter, Pronto Plate Workshop.

2007    Dr. Alan Bernard, print collector and author, displayed his collection of Benjamin Miller woodcuts and etchings and discussed Miller’s work. Dr. Bernard is the author of The Prints of Benjamin Miller. April 14, 2007.

2009    Photocopy Transfer Class, January 31 from 11:30 – 2:30 pm. with April Foster.

2009    Paste Paper and Bookmaking class, February 28 from 10:00 – 2:00 pm. with Jo Diamantes and Patty Bertsch of the Cincinnati Calligraphers Guild.

2010    Paste Paper Projects February 13, 9:00 – 4:00 presented by the Greater Cincinnati Calligraphers Guild with Marianne Burke.

2012    Letterpress Workshop for TLP members taught by April Foster, February 16 from 10:00 am – 3:00 pm.

2014    Monoprint Wednesdays with Theresa Kuhr, July 9, 16, 23, 30 August 6, 13

Field Trips:

2005    Cincinnati Art Museum Print Department, April 20, 6:30 – 9:00 pm.

2007    Powerhouse Print Studios, Newport, Kentucky.

Juried Exhibitions:

2013    Prints for Peace and Justice Juried Exhibition, May 31 – June 1, 2013 held at the Art Academy of Cincinnati, Chidlaw Gallery in conjunction with the Ohio Print Gathering.


1997    Tiger Lily Press; Thomas More Gallery; Crestview Hills, Kentucky, January 13 – February 13.

1998    Tiger Lily Press; Suzanna Terrill Gallery

2000    Tiger Lily Members Show; Grailville; October 1 – November 12.

2001    Prints from Directors of Tiger Lily Press: Cara Bardes, Liz Foley, Theresa Gates Kuhr; Covington Cathedral Gallery; July 13 – September 2.

2004    Lasting Impressions at Gallery Salveo, curated by Stephen Clark. Joan Effertz, Sara Mulhauser, Rick Finn, Kathleen Piercefield, Lisa B. Jameson, Carole Winters, Julie Lonneman, and Elaine Mullen Zumeta exhibited their fine art prints.

2004    Developments in Line; Etching Exhibit, Riverbend Arts Center, Dayton, Ohio, March, Twenty-five to thirty printmakers from Dayton, Cincinnati, Columbus.

2004    Developments in Line; UC College of Nursing; June 3 – July 2.

2005    Two Weeks print exchange between members of TLP and Dayton    Printmakers Cooperative, Kettering Government Center, opening   February 22, 2005.

2006    Tiger Lily Press Prints; Covington Cathedral Art Gallery; January 8 – February 26.

2007    Revisiting Tiger Lily: The YWCA Women’s Art Gallery’s Connection to Cincinnati Printmakers 1978-2007, June 5 – September.

2007    Printed by Hand; Tiger Lily Press; University Galleries on Sycamore; September 28 – November 30

2010    Collective Ink: Four Ohio Print Shops; Zygote Press, Cleveland, Ohio; April 17 – May 29.

2012    Peripheral Vision: A View from Ohio Printmaking Cooperatives, Urban Arts Space, Columbus, Ohio, an exhibition of artists from the four Ohio Print Cooperatives, August 23 – October 27.

2013    New Impressions, Members Show, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, May 3 – June 1.

2013    Jan Thomas, TLP Working Artist exhibition at NVision, May 11 – June 23.

2013    Fresh Ink, Recent Prints from Tiger Lily Press, Members Show, 5th Street Gallery, October 11 – November 2.

2014    Flats Gallery TLP Members Exhibition, College of Mt. St. Joseph Urban Arts Partnership, March 23 – May 3.

2014    Jack Arthur Wood, 2013 TLP Working Artist, exhibit at Clay Street Press, August 22 – September 13.

2015    Verge: Printing from the Periphery; an exhibition featuring work by printmaking artists from Tiger Lily Press, Clay Street Press, DIY Printing, and Visionaries and Voices; April 24 – July 24; Venue 222, Cincinnati.

2015    Think Square, Tiger Lily Press and NKU Printmakers, The think shop, Newport, KY, September 18 – November.

2016ย ย ย  Tiger Lily Prints; Members Show; Clay Street Press, Cincinnati Ohio; March 25 – May 14.

2016    Conversations, Northern Kentucky University, September, NKU Printmakers and TLP Members.

2018    Tiger Lily Press Unframed: Members Exhibition, April 6 – 28, 124 West Pike Street Gallery, Covington, Kentucky, Opening Reception, April 6,   6:00 – 9:00 pm.

2019ย ย ย  Tiger Lily Press 40th Anniversary Members Exhibition, August 3 – September 14, Kennedy Heights Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio.

2021 Pressing On: Prints by the Members of Tiger Lily Press. February 6 – 28. Caza Sikes Gallery, Cincinnati, Ohio.

Print Sales:

2005ย ย ย  first November 11 – 13, Dunham Recreation Center, Cincinnati, Ohio; Fresh Off the Press, five artists printing edition during the Print Sale, each print $20.00; raised $400. from sale of these prints.

2006ย ย ย  November 17 (6:00 – 9:00), 18 (12 – 4:00), 19 (12 – 4:00), Dunham

2007    November 9 – 11, Dunham Arts Building

2008    November 9, Dunham Arts Building, 11:00 – 4:00.

2009    November     , Dunham Arts Building, 11:00 – 4:00.

2010    November 14, Dunham Arts Building, 11:00 – 4:00.

2011    November 13, Dunham Schoolhouse, 11:00 – 4:00.

2012ย ย ย  November 3, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, Cincinnati, Ohio, 11:00 – 5:00.

2013    November 2, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, 11:00 – 5:00.

2014    November 8, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, 11:00 – 5:00.

2015    November 7, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, 11:00 – 5:00.

2016    November 5, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, 10:00 – 4:00.

2017    November 4, Clifton Cultural Arts Center, 11:00 – 5:00.

2018ย ย ย  November 10, NorthChurch, Northside, Cincinnati, Ohio 11:00 – 4:00.

2019 November, NorthChurch, Northside, Cincinnati, Ohio.


2009    Article on 2009 TLP Calendar; Journal of the Print World, Vol. 32, #1, Winter.

2017    Instagram for a Day with Mid America Print Council, July 9, Allison Rosh, Nicci Mechler, Tory Keith, Carole Winters, and Jay Harriman participated.

2017    Aeqai, May/June issue, story about TLP and Clay Street Press by Laura Hobson published June 10, 2018.

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