Stephanie Berrie Awarded TLP Artist Residency 2020

Stephanie Berrie

Cincinnati, Ohio, January 20, 2020 – Tiger Lily Press is pleased to announce that the 2020 Working Artist Program (WAP) residency has been awarded to Stephanie Rae Berrie of Cincinnati, OH.

Stephanie Rae Berrie received a BFA from the Columbus College of Art and Design, and an MFA with a double concentration in printmaking and painting from Texas Tech University. At Texas Tech she was an instructor in printmaking, drawing and 2D design; since moving to Cincinnati last year, she has been an adjunct professor for printmaking at the University of Cincinnati.

Her work encompasses a wide variety of printmaking processes โ€“ screen printing, lithography, intaglio and relief โ€“ as well as sewing and soft-sculpture. It frequently explores the body and its sensations.

She states: โ€œI question what it means to have a body and how we occupy the bodies we have. (The works) make tangible the physical and psychological sensations I feel within my body and describe the relationship I have with it. I feel a dissociation with my body that is explored through organic materials and imagery, which serve as metaphors for the emotional and physical matter beneath my skinโ€ฆ I remember that my body has the capacity not only to receive abuse and pain, but also to inflict these as well. I burn, cut, pierce, and tear these pieces, but will then take the time, through drawing and sewing, to mend and heal the pain Iโ€™ve caused. Each work has a body all its own, laced with distinct memories, experiences, and sensations.โ€

In some of her most recent work she again combines sewing and printmaking. Screen-printing on felt and then sewing and stuffing the pieces, she makes odd soft-sculpture โ€œplushiesโ€ which she then leaves in unexpected places โ€“ on the sidewalk, hidden in trees, in hallways โ€“ inviting people to interact with and maybe take home her creations.

During her residency at Tiger Lily Press she hopes to continue exploring this kind of interactive and โ€œguerillaโ€ art making and hopes to offer workshops in both printmaking and sewing. She looks forward to working with the local art community and wants to offer creative opportunities for non-artists as well, โ€œigniting inspiration and imagination in everyone.โ€

Tiger Lily’s Working Artist Program began in 2012. The program’s goal is to connect with a local artist who is passionately committed to their work and their artistic community, interested in seeking out possibilities for expanding their current work into printmaking or challenging their existing love of printmaking through a focused residency. The artist serves as a role model for the members of Tiger Lily Press through their creative drive and work ethic, and is asked to engage with the greater community to help bring awareness and education in the field of printmaking. Artists submit applications and are selected by the Tiger Lily Press Board of Directors.

The program stipend is underwritten by Tiger Lily Press members Saad Ghosn (SOS Art) and Carole Winters (Carole Winters Art + Design), and Avril-Bleh Meats & Deli. In addition, a generous account for art supplies was donated by Suderโ€™s Art Store, Cincinnati.

Tiger Lily Press is a 501(c)3 fine art printmaking studio located behind the Dunham Recreation Center in Cincinnati, Ohio. Its mission is to produce, preserve, and promote the art of printmaking.


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