Just a few more days left to see the Flats Gallery show!

Our Members show closes on Fri, May 3rd, so there are just a few more chances to see it if you haven’t gotten a chance! Hours are:

Flats Gallery Hours:
Tuesdays           4-7pm
Fridays                3-6pm

Saturdays          1-5pm
Admission is FREE

And in the meantime, well JUST in time, we have some pictures from the opening(s) for your viewing pleasure!  (**all photographs courtesy of Susan Naylor, Rachel Heberling, and Jan Thomas).
On March 23rd, several artists were invited to represent Tiger Lily for “Party-of-Note”, one of many fundraiser events for the Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra. This was a private opening where we were introduced to the attendees and encouraged to talk about our work. It was quite the lovely party!

Here we are just getting started- nice crowd and fabulous spread!
A little overview of the show and the artists along with their work:

Julie and her lovely collagraph
 Susan has a fabulous collagraph as well.
Joe seems to be selling out of his Views of Cincinnati!

Rachel and the printshop sign.

 Here’s the whole gang!

And now some images from the public opening on April 12th, also very well-attended.

nice piece by Jan Thomas
nifty Jonpaul

Joe, Jay, Jan et al

hi Julie!
Thanks again everyone for all your support and such a fabulous show. Looking forward to making more work and planning the next one!


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