Moveable Type : Cross-country Adventures in Printing

Check this out!
A Girl and her Truck:

My name is Kyle Durrie.  Iโ€™m a letterpress printer from Portland, Oregon and
 the proprietor of Power and Light Press.
I am inspired by wobbly lines, history, overheard conversations, logs, 
whiskey, trains, the color brown, the Wild West, dogs, salt water, 
road maps, vintage office supplies, and beards, among other things.
 I also love crossword puzzles, swimming in creeks, green chile,
 adventures, and occupying small spaces.
But two of my favorite things in the world are printing and road trips.
 These two things kept getting in the way of one another in my life,
 though; they seemed mutually exclusive. 
I wanted to figure out a way to do both things at the same time.

The plan was hatched last year while on a cross country band tour,
 studying maps and staring out car windows and exploring new towns
. It was furthered along by listening to lots of songs about 
 cowboys and truckers. In November 2010, I launched a
 fundraising campaign through
 which was met with surprising and overwhelming support and success.
 I more than doubled my original financial goal, which turned out to be a good thing,
 because it turns out I had a very poor understanding 
of the costs involved in pulling something like this off.
Iโ€™ve converted a 1982 Chevy step van into a fully functional
 letterpress print shop. Iโ€™ve outfitted the back of the truck with built-in
 cabinets and workspace, a sign press from the mid 20th century,
 and an 1873 Golding Official No. 3 tabletop platen press. 
Iโ€™ll spend the next nine or so months driving all over North America
, teaching workshops, doing demos, and generally spreading 
the good word about printing the old fashioned way.
And so here we are! What was once but a glimmer in my eye is now a reality.
 The tour began in June of 2011 and will continue for upwards of 9 months,
 maybe even longer. If youโ€™re interested in learning more about the 
tour schedule or the truck, or if you want to bring Moveable Type
 to your town, please spend a little time
 exploring this site and be in touch if I can answer any questions.”

Kyle and her moveable type truck will be 
at Miami University, Oxford on Nov. 10th.
You can get more info on her project here.


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