AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY FOR CONTEMPORARY PRINTMAKING This bibliography was developed from the panel session โ€œSyntax of the Print Revisitedโ€ held at the 2008 Southern Graphics Council Conference,Virginia Commonwealth University. Chaired by Beauvais Lyons, the session included papers by Shaurya Kumar, Hugh Merrill and Ruth Weisberg. The session examined Weisbergโ€™s article โ€œSyntax of the Print: A Search for Aesthetic Contentโ€ published in The Tamarind Papers in the Fall of 1984. While many aspects of the article still have relevance for artists working in print media today, since its publication printmaking has evolved to include digital methods, installation (or โ€œprintstallationsโ€), relational approaches that involve new audiences and modes of production, increased use of monoprinting and variable editions, and new approaches to collaborative practice. One core issue discussed during the session was whether there are aesthetic criteria specific to print media, and whether these are best understood through consideration of the categories of function, process and materials. Organized chronologically, this annotated bibliography is intended to provide a set of readings to inform practice in contemporary print media. As printmaking intersects many other disciplines, this bibliography includes books and articles that are not strictly about printmaking, but inform its theories and practices. Like any bibliography, this is a work in progress, and suggestions regarding additional entries that should be included are welcome. In an effort to stress books that address a broad set of issues related to printmaking, and to limit the size of the bibliography, it does not include books devoted to the art of an individual artist or workshop or which are specifically technical. Some standard but excellent books such as The Tamarind Book of Lithography and The Complete Printmaker were not included because of their emphasis on the materials and processes of printmaking. In addition to members of the panel, several people reviewed the bibliography and offered suggestions, including Adele Henderson, Ruth Pelzer-Montada, Karen Kunc, April Katz, and Phyllis McGibbon, among others. Suggestions for additions to this bibliography should be sent to: [email protected] Knoxville/School of Art Printmaking: bibliography


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