Chicago Based Art Center

When I went to the SGC conference this year I learned about several Printmaking Studios in the country. One that is not too far away and seemed quite versatile and active is LILLSTREET ART CENTER in Chicago. They have a broad range of artist opportunities from residencies, gallery and studio space, education and an outreach program. They have six different departments: ceramics, metalsmithing & jewelry, painting & drawing, printmaking, textiles, and glass. They have a kids program, camps, family workshops, and book parties and private events as well. They do it ALL!
To take a virtual tour of the space in case you ever get the chance to visit or are looking for a reason to make art in a different city check out the link below.
Here are just some of their fall Printmaking classes: (It’s amazing!!)
Screen printing on Fabric, Multilevel Etching and Intaglio, Between Paint and Print, Survey of Print Techniques, Mixed Media Relief and Monoprint, The Art of the Poster-Advanced Screen printing, Drawing for Plate Litho, Letterpress Holiday Cards, and Screen printing on Clay…
I want to go!!!!

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