Paper Doll Challenge 2007

ย We finally had our Paper Doll Challenge Exchange/Show & Tell.

We have some very talented artists in our group and the variety in paper dolls created was just incredible! We all agreed what a great time it was to do the challenge and we may do it again next year, but with a theme.

This year, since it was a very new venture for some of us we decided to leave it open for theme and creativity. The three requirements were to have some type of prints on the doll, the size limitation, and one doll for the print club’s archives.

Paper Doll presented in porfolio style by Theresa Gates Kuhr

Pocket Pols by Cecie and J. Chewning – Republican Candidates running for President in 2008 Elections.

Pocket Pols -Reverse side of Cecie and J. Chewning- Democrats running for President in 2008 Elections.

Mixed Media Magnetic Paper Dolls by Carla Trujillo

Cleverly designed monoprint Paper Dolls are done by Judy DiMuzio. She allows you the option to either cut them out so they stand up or you can leave them as you see them above, a very nice print. It is so interesting to look at them as a print.

Carole Winters

Denise Bookwalter

Carole Winters

Ingrid Altavilla
Three-Dimensional dolls covered in monoprints

Ingrid Altavilla

Kim Shifflett (left) Jeanne Clark (right)

Joan Effertz The Angel Gabrielle -interactive paper doll

Carol Carver “Transform” One of set of The Four Seasons


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